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2005 Memorial Day Beach Blast Photos



Shrek 3

Theres a new Ogre in town and his name is Steve Shrenk aka SHREK !!!  Steve was very productive coming up with some huge hits , Finished the tournament batting .583 (7 for 12) and walking 7 times.

Rich Keaser

Keaser the Woman Pleaser threw out practically every runner that attempted to steal a base on him.

You heard me !!!

You heard me the first time I said you can't TOUCH ME !!!!!!


Matt Darrigo brought his bat into the Devils line-up batting .500 (8 for 16) and knocking in 9 runs.

If it smells like cologne leave it alone !!!

Adam Colon makes a sliding catch to end the game vs Central Jersey Express.Colon then went 3-3 with a sac bunt in the Championship Game !

Thanks for the hand

Andrew McElroy helping up Squigs ,Kevin McGuigan , after making a beautiful sliding catch in CF. McGuigan played a superb CF while McElroy looked very solid as well and seems to have healed from his knee surgery.

Look hair cut

McElroy came in for the save in the Championship game vs the Jersey Storm

Running the Base

Although he looks good in the picture , Darrigo wasn't the brightest crayon in the box while running the bases

Jumping on Top

A-Shore won the toss and selecting to hit first to jump on top of the Storm in the championship game. As you can see the scoreboard the strategy worked. Zach Castelli shown in the photo didn't get much playing time due to a stress fracture in his foot. However he was a great moral support for the team.

which way did it go?

Keaser,Flynn and Kirby watch a foul ball fly over their heads during an earlier game vs the Arsenal.


Does anybody know what Richie said? BASHAHWDJ#EJDD HEHEHEHAMMMMMAMA YEAH


The Devils congratulate each other after a nail biter to capture the TITLE

1-2-3-...........A SHORE !!!!

Team talk after winning....only words needing to be said are...Congrats but We have work to do !!!

CHAMPIONSHIP GAME Atlantic Shore 9 , Jersey Storm 7

Bottom Row L-R-Andrew McElroy,Zach Castelli,Adam Colon,Bailey Yauger,Mike Blee,Tim Flynn,Kevin McGuigan,Logan Petty.

Top Row L-R-Steve Schrenk,Mgr.Bob Petty,Matt Darrigo,Kevin Kaplan,Javier Landron,Kyle Davis,Rich Keaser,Coach Bill Rauzzino,Coach Sam Caraballo.

Not Shown in photo-AJ Holland & Kyle Kirby